How to be a great leader in one easy step

How to be a great leader in one easy step

The other night I listened to a business training call about making decisions. It got me thinking about how great leaders are good at making decisions. They decide what to do and do it.

If you want to make money in network marketing, you have to be a leader. That might sound scary, but once you understand how to be a leader, you just have to do it.

Leaders get to be leaders by making decisions. If you want to be a leader, start making decisions. When you start making decisions, people will notice you. Some will follow, and you’ll be a leader.

The act of making a decision is more important than the decision itself. In fact, making a bad decision is better than making no decision. If it’s the wrong decision, you can change it. You can revise it. There’s no rule locking you into your initial choice. Change course if needed, but get on the road.
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Creative Commons License photo credit: dougtone
There’s an old saying that the only person who never made a mistake is the person who never did anything. Truth is, not doing anything was his first mistake.

Doing something is the most critical element of reaching your goals. As one of mentors says, you have a lot better chance to be successful by acting without thinking than you do by thinking and not acting.

41 thoughts on “How to be a great leader in one easy step

  1. A leadership role is a decision-making role by its very nature. When you lead, others follow. I might mention it is not called pushership, but leadership. That means that the leader goes first. Leaders are action oriented. Most people that are followers are followers because they aren’t oriented toward action. That is one of the main distinctions of a leader.

  2. Hey, Rob,

    You are correct. Leaders take action. I’d also say that most great leaders were once great followers. One secret to becoming a great leader is to learn how to lead while you are still a follower. Then taking the action needed becomes easier.

    Thanks for the comment.


  3. Hello Steve,

    There is little doubt that part of being a leader is definitely being able to both make decisions and act on them once they are made. They also need to commit to a vision, communicate the vision to those following and allow them to connect grow in their own ways at the same time (I really liked “Tribes”!).

    More great insight .. thanks for sharing,
    Jim Hickey

  4. Hi Jim,

    You’re correct. Having a vision and being able to communicate it to your followers is a big part of leadership. Allowing them to find their own piece of the vision is even better.

    Great thoughts. I appreciate your comments.


  5. You are right about ‘doing something’ being important. Action is what will bring success. Part of the action is making decisions, but the most important is taking action. You can find support and leadership and training, but it will be up to you to do something.

  6. Hey Vicki,

    Action is certainly vital to leadership. I remember one of my high school math teachers explaining some sort of graph by saying that if she always only went halfway to the door, she’d never get there. Likewise, we need to commit to taking action.

    Thanks for your input.


  7. Hi 5 folks – there’s also a saying that its better to regret the things you have done – than live your life regretting the things you haven’t done – great saying if most of your decisions turn out right? – right! – then again actions speak louder than words

    All my best to you and your decisions
    Phillip Skinner

  8. Pingback: JonClaytonBizBlog
  9. Hi Gary,

    Thanks for the interest. What would you like to know? If you’ll give me an idea of what kind of information you need, I’ll see if I can provide it.


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