I started Our Storied History to help families and individuals create lasting connections to their most cherished moments. Book a complimentary strategy call below to find out how to secure your legacy, build a bridge to future generations, and forge a bond that transcends time.

Preserve Your Life Adventures

At Our Storied History, we understand the importance of preserving your family's unique story by capturing cherished memories and passing them down to future generations. Our services are crafted to honor these precious experiences, ensuring that your family's history is not just remembered but celebrated for years to come.

Don't Let Your Family's Story Fade – Capture It Now

At Our Storied History, we recognize that your family's story and your compelling legacy are more than just collections of memories – they represent a heritage that should be treasured and passed down. We've put together Story Starters with prompts to stir up your memories or begin conversations with relatives. This free PDF will bring to mind connections to your most cherished moments and your family's storied history, so you can create a link to future generations.

Transform Memories into a Timeless Keepsake

Watch How We Preserve Family Legacies

Did you know? Valuable family stories can be lost within just three generations. Let's change that together!

Bring Life to Your Life Stories

At Our Storied History, we recognize that your family's story and your compelling legacy are more than just collections of memories – they represent a heritage that should be treasured and passed down. Whether you need a legacy storybook to keep alive your family memories or a ghostwriter to help with you biography, our services can ensure that your story is preserved with the care and respect it deserves.


Let's turn your Legacy

into a treasured keepsake

Follow the simple 3-step Success Plan below and start creating your family narrative. We can get you there together!


Book Your Call

We'll talk about how you can best preserve your legacy and how we can help you get it done.


Create Your Plan

Your needs come first, whether you're ready to start writing your family narrative or you want us to help craft your storied history.


Preserve Your Memories

Imagine how you'll feel when you are holding your treasured keepsake in your hands.

Unlock Your Family's Legacy With 'story Starter Memory Prompts'

Capture Your Family's Story, Preserve Memories, and Sustain Your Legacy
Unique & Useful

Our Story Starters are tailored to trigger captivating and heartfelt stories, ensuring an emotional approach for you and you family members.

Vital Connections

Initiate conversations that lead to invaluable family narratives and an enhanced understanding of your family's heritage.

Pass Down Wisdom

The well-structured set of follow-up questions will prompt your loved ones to share insightful stories, memories, and experiences.

About Steve DeVane


Crafting a captivating and lasting legacy for your family transcends mere questions — it's an art that Award-Winning Writer Steve DeVane has mastered. Beyond simply providing the right questions, Steve understands the nuanced essence of storytelling. Having conducted thousands of interviews, he knows that the way you ask a question is as crucial as the question itself. In an exclusive consultation, Steve will share his extensive experience and invaluable expertise in unlocking the hidden depths of your family's history and memories. Join him in unraveling the art of asking questions, ensuring that the heart of your family's story is not just told but felt for generations to come.