Book Steve for Your Podcast or Event

Speaking and Podcast Interviews

Steve DeVane is an engaging speaker with a casual style that he perfected by setting at ease thousands of interview subjects during his 35-year career as a newspaper writer. He specializes in writing with frameworks, sustaining personal legacies, and preserving family memories.

Topic Ideas for Your Show or Event

For Writers and Authors

Two Simple Methods to Easily Tackle Your Writer's Block

Find out two simple methods to get the keyboard moving
so you're never stuck struggling to write. One of these methods never failed me in more than 30 years as a newspaper writer.

Kickstart Your Creativity to Get Your Story Started and Finished

Stop believing that you can't be a professional writer. Learn the two secrets that remove obstacles and ignite your creativity so you can share your stories with the world.

The Two-Word Tip to Instantly Make Your Writing More Readable

Do you want your writing to make a difference? That'll never happen if nobody reads it. This advice helped me simplify complicated subjects like chemical contaminations and military investigations.

For Entrepreneurs

How to Arrange Your Writing to Get Your Message Across

Three frameworks that provide guidelines and roadmaps for clear, concise messaging to attract your ideal client.

Capture the Memories to Write Authentic, Heartfelt Stories

The surefire way to ensure that you'll remember the experiences that become wonderful stories to connect with your perfect audience.

Using AI in a Genuinely Intelligent Way

The two honest methods to take advantage of the trendy tool while retaining your authentic voice without feeling like a cheat or a sellout.

For Personal Development

Clarifying Your Purpose by Writing Your Story

How writing can help you determine exactly where you want to go in life and how best to get there so you can create a clear plan of action for your life and career.

Combine Writing and Meditation to Discover Your Path in Life

How meditation sharpens your writing style and writing enhances your meditation to help you discern and reach your personal development goals.

How to Get Past the Fears and Supercharge Midlife

Three simple, straightforward ways to be sure that you make midlife your best life so you can discover new dreams and find new adventures.

Steve DeVane


"Steve, what in the world are you doing here?" That thought ran through Steve DeVane's mind as he tried to go to sleep on a concrete floor in an empty industrial building outside Port-au-Prince, Haiti. A few seconds later, he chuckled because he knew the answer. As a newspaper writer, DeVane was telling the stories of the American troops there just after a near invasion of the country in 1994. In more than 30 years as a writer and an editor, DeVane learned countless lessons that he now uses as an author and a ghostwriter. His mission is helping women, men and families preserve their memories and sustain their legacy through biographies and legacy storybooks.

Preserve Your Life Adventures

At Our Storied History, we understand the importance of preserving your family's unique story by capturing cherished memories and passing them down to future generations. Our services are crafted to honor these precious experiences, ensuring that your family's history is not just remembered but celebrated for years to come.


© Steve DeVane Media. All rights reserved.