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Month: May 2017

Stay open to hints about your mission in life

Stay open to hints about your mission in life

Have you thought about your mission in life? What if you’re getting clues about it and don’t realize it? Consider the possibility. Stay open to hints about your mission in life. Rod Brooks had a life changing experience that led him to think about how his health is linked to the importance of how he spends his time. Rod is a grandfather who had slowly gained weight as he got older. “Little by little, inch by inch, and pound by…

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Meet your health goals with systematic consistency

Meet your health goals with systematic consistency

If you want to meet your health goals, you need to stay focused. This can be difficult if you take a haphazard approach to losing weight, getting stronger or staying fit. I’ve found that the best way to be consistent is to have a system that helps me stay on track. I suggest using a system that runs in 30-day cycles, which fits perfectly with the way you schedule your life. You’ll know when each cycle begins and ends. You…

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