Network marketing online: Using proven strategies in a new arena

Network marketing online: Using proven strategies in a new arena

Anyone who’s been in multi-level marketing (MLM) for long realizes the old way of doing the business doesn’t work anymore. That’s why many successful professionals have learned network marketing online.


Creative Commons License photo credit: MShades

In years past, MLM trainers would teach distributors to make a list of friends and family. Then they’d encourage their reps to buy leads. This continues even though the opportunity exists to build a downline by network marketing online.

Unfortunately, even some who recognize the benefits of network marketing online often carry over bad training habits from earlier failed strategies. The old technique of “getting a lot of ‘No’s’ so you can find a ‘Yes,’” has found its way to the Internet.

One way this occurs is when trainers encourage people who are network marketing online to build a large list. Having a large list, they say, will increase the odds that a few will join you in your business.

Such list-building strategies are nothing more than the old “numbers game” revisited. It might work in direct sales, but network marketing, even the online version, is a relationship business.

The key, then, is to learn how to build relationships when your network marketing business is principally online. To do this, you need a place where people can get to know you and, once they’re willing, you can get to know them.

The best method for network marketing online right now is a blog. This Internet journal can serve as a non-threatening way for potential prospects to get to know, like and trust you. One of the important principles in MLM is people join people they know, like and trust.

Starting a blog might seem intimidating but most people learn how rather quickly. If you want to do network marketing online, it’s the best thing going.

Once you have your blog up and running, you’ll have to learn ways to get readers and how to interact with them. In this way, network marketing online successfully is similar to proven offline strategies.

First, you need to care about people. Learn about them. Find out what makes them who they are.

Second, let them move at their own pace. Forget high pressure sales tactics. They don’t work if you’re network marketing online or offline.

And third, be professional. Be honest. Tell people what you’re doing. Be who you are and people will be comfortable being who they are.

Master these steps and you’re on your way to becoming a professional online network marketer.

Steve DeVane

119 thoughts on “Network marketing online: Using proven strategies in a new arena

  1. All excellent points Steve.
    For me building relationships will build your business, like you said.
    At one time my email list was over 13,000, mostly leads. I had few relationships with that list. My blog has be more responsive. So yes, a blog is a good thing. Online network marketing does work.
    Thanks Steve.

  2. Hi Frank,

    Yeah, it’s hard to have a relationship with 13,000 people. There’s no way to know or be known by that many people. Yet even when we have that many people on our list, we still need more.

    Thanks for the encouragement and the comment.


  3. You are right about blogs being an effective way to build relationships with people and an mlm business. There is ample opportunity to provide information, support, and even entertainment on a blog. There is an abundance of information online about effectively setting up a blog, and no need to be intimidated if you simply write like you would talk with someone. Making it personal and building trust are key as you pointed out.

  4. Hi 5 folks – excellent point and well laid down principles Steve and a better view point than most posts I’ve read lately – I’m guessing you’ve been around marketing online a while and like you I’ve been watching for this social media, social networking, social marketing bubble to burst – but thank goodness it hasn’t it seems to have settled down now and shrugged off and shooed away the spammers that simply did not take the time to understand the social aspects of a social neighborhood’s mentality – so the bloggers who did understand are still blogging with one exception they have a tribe of followers who have understood the points you have clearly laid out above and anyone who understand the rules of networking will enjoy the comforts and benefits of interacting the way it was always meant to be!

    All my best to you and your professional online network marketing.
    Phillip Skinner

  5. Hi Vicki,

    You are correct that there are multiple sources of information about how to start and write for a blog. And conversational writing is an excellent way to provide the content.

    I appreciate the comment.


  6. Hello Phillip,

    Yes, I think the social media is maturing a little. Those of us seeking to understand the finer points are starting to get a handle on how it works.

    Thanks for the good words.


  7. Steve, excellent post. I agree with you completely. There is a vast and largely untapped market online who will build credibility and relationships with their potential customers and business associates. Good insights and points. Thanks!

  8. Hi Jon,

    Tapping into that market in the correct way by forming strong relationships often requires us change the way we do business, but that effort can make an amazing difference.

    I appreciate your input.


  9. Hi Steve,

    MLM and network marketing businesses are definitely relationship oriented but then again most offline businesses are as well. Though the super-slick sales types will always be able to find their mark, most of the truly successful people are the best at building and maintaining relationships. Blogs and the social networks (when used correctly) can be great tools to help build relationships.

    When I first came online to learn about marketing via the Internet (basically what it takes to really get my message out), it seems that everyone I ran into stressed the “huge Internet list” concept. Based on that I started to make significant friends and followers lists on various social media sites. When I stepped back and considered what it really takes to build relationships, I scratched my head trying to determine how I was going to truly connect with all those people.

    I appreciate the points you make in your post!
    Jim Hickey

  10. Hello Jim,

    Yeah, those super-slick sales sharks will jump up and bite you if you’re not careful. Sadly, a lot of what I was taught in network marketing wasn’t far from some of their techniques.

    The “list-building” strategy is one, that I, too, embraced earlier. Now, I see that interacting with people in a truly meaningful way is much more beneficial.

    Thanks for your insights.


  11. Network marketing can be as daunting to the beginner as to the more experienced in business, especially when combined with the shear size and power of the internet.Good insights, thanks for your post.

  12. Hi Stephen,

    Yes, network marketing can seem overwhelming. I think it’s even worse when those who are focused only on recruiting make the business sound easier than it is. As one of my mentors likes to say, there’s a reason they call it net”work” marketing. It takes effort but it’s worth it.

    I appreciate your input.


  13. Hey Steve,
    If one is not willing to build relationships then they have no business being in the network marketing business. Trust and integrity are virtues that successful businesses cling to and they have a retention rate with their customers that will not be compromised. People do follow people, not companies or products. To be successful one has to buckle down and be willing to put their nose to the grindstone and stick it out for a few years. This determination will pay huge dividends in the end. Thanks!

    Friends 4 Life!

  14. Hello Eddie,

    I often think network marketing should be known as relationship marketing. I know in traditional businesses, I’m always more likely to go back to a place where I feel like I’ve been respected.

    Thanks for your input.

    Steve DeVane

  15. Thank you, Steve. Blogging is definitely a good way to introduce your presence online. It also tells your readers about your beliefs, methods, and experience. Great Blog!

  16. Hi Samuel,

    Yes, blogging can make a great introduction to potential prospects. It’s also an excellent way to get your message out.

    Thanks for the comment.


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